NHPRC_guide per WY SHRAB _2A_2-1-2017.pdf
The Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) promotes the identification, preservation and dissemination of Wyoming's historical records.
Goal 1:
Develop a statewide cooperative approach for the preservation of Wyoming records of ongoing value.
Goal 2:
Encourage and support ongoing training programs for state, tribal and local governments, local repositories, organizations and others involved in records care.
Goal 3:
Facilitate access to and increase the use of Wyoming's records.
Goal 4:
Ensure the preservation of historical electronic records and information.
Click to view the By Laws of the Wyoming SHRAB: SHRAB ByLaws_Updated_10-17-2016.pdf
Click to view the 2018-2020 Wyoming SHRAB SNAP Grant Objectives: 2018-2020 SNAP Grant Performance Objectives_TermsAndConditions-1_4-12-2018.pdf
Click to view the 2019-2020 Wyoming SHRAB SNAP Grant Guidelines: SHRAB Grant Guidelines_rev 3-2019_4-2019.pdf
Click to view the 2021-2022 Wyoming SHRAB Re-Grant Application: https://forms.gle/DBWyzo1GMgcpU5PR9
Click to view Copyright Information: Copyright Information_3-2017.pdf
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