Friday – February 24, 2012
Wyoming State Library, Cheyenne, WY
Approved Minutes
Note: These minutes are abridged
1. Call to order
Mike Strom called the meeting to order at 11:06 a.m.
2. Roll Call
Members in attendance:
Mike Strom-SHRAB Chair & State Historical Records Coordinator, Cheyenne, WY
Tony Adams – C.R.M., Cheyenne, WY
Jim Angell, Wyoming Press Association, Cheyenne, WY
Venice Beske – Statewide Information, Wyoming State Library, Cheyenne
Courtney Bohlender – City of Riverton (via Conference phone)
Rick Ewig – American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Julie Freese – Fremont County Clerk, Lander, WY (via Conference phone)
Kristin Karr - Librarian, Wyoming Supreme Court, Cheyenne, WY)
Members absent:
Laurie Bartell, Veterans Administration, Sheridan, WY
Representative Rosie Berger, Wyoming Legislature, Big Horn, WY(unable to attend due to Legislature currently in session)
Lokey Lytjen – Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum, Jackson Hole (unable to attend due to commitment with the Museum)
Scarlet Skorcz – Western Wyoming Community College, Rock Springs, WY (unable to attend due to commitment with the College)
Cindy Brown –Mike Strom, Wyoming State Archivist welcomed everyone and introduced Cindy Brown, Historian with Wyoming State Archives-WY State Parks & Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
3. Approval of previous minutes
Rick Ewig motioned to approve the November 17, 2011 minutes as submitted. Seconded by Tony Adams. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Greetings and program updates
A. Mike related Sara Needles would not be able to attend today due to legislative commitments. Mike then gave a brief update on the current standing for the ‘Archives electronic repository’, a 1.1 million dollar request which has passed through the preliminary stages. He related we will not know the final until after the budget processes have been approved. Rick asked about pilots and software, and Mike related the project would begin with some pilot agencies, then roll out to the rest of the state, although nothing can be confirmed until we receive final approval. Mike also related software has not been determined although the OCIO has suggested open source software.
B. Mike also announced that David McDermott, C.R.M., from Boise, Idaho has been selected as the Archives Records Management Unit Supervisor. Mr. McDermott will begin work March 26th.
C. Jim Angell gave a report regarding Senate Bill 25. Jim related this bill more tightly defines Wyoming public records and includes the definition of a 7 day period for a document request. There has been some ups and downs, but he related that the prospects in the house appear to be good.
5. Grant Committee Report
A. Venice gave a report of the Grants Committee and an update for the current and past Re-Grant Periods. The current Re-Grant Cycle will be complete June 30, 2012 with all but about $600.00 left until we hear if we receive a 2013 SNAP Grant. Venice explained although all of the applications were well done, some were not approved because there was a lack of an explanation of how their project would serve for others in the state of Wyoming. Venice asked the board if the Grant Guidelines should be amended to include criteria that applications should provide more focus of what or how their project/grant request will ‘give back to Wyoming’.
Discussion followed with general consensus that priority should be given to those with diversity and with strengths of purpose to share (including but not limited to: Information online; Video conferencing; and Brochures). Rick suggested we keep a directory to keep track of grants from previous years including projects and organizations with the amounts re-granted. Courtney also added she would like to be able to support or look at ‘phased projects’ that have been granted, explaining she felt it was important that we be committed to such projects. Following up with this same thought process Venice related the board would like to see the ‘more for less’ program offered in Wyoming if possible (more on this subject follows under 8C on page 3).
6. Budget Report
Mike asked if everyone had a chance to review the funding spreadsheet that was Emailed to the board. Mike reviewed the current SNAP Grant for $35,000.00 (with $20,000.00 for Re-Grants and $15,000.00 for administration). Venice moved to approve the budget report. Jim seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
7. Old Business
A. By-Laws:
Mike explained the updates to the By-Laws would bring the By-Laws up to direction by the original verbiage of the Executive Order creating the Wyoming SHRAB. Jim moved to approve the changes as submitted to the By-Laws. Seconded by Venice. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Board appointment process:
Mike related there are 5 members that are slated to go off the Board this year unless re-appointed. Mike explained the process for SHRAB appointments are to be done through Governor Mead’s office. Kristin asked if letters of recommendation/reference for board member applicants would be acceptable, and Venice related (per the Governor’s Web site), that such letters would be accepted. In addition Mike related he spoke with the Governor’s office and gave them the link for the NHPRC, so the Governor’s office will have some background and knowledge of NARA and the NHPRC.
C. Current SNAP Grant extension request:
Mike spoke with Dan Stokes (NHPRC), who related an extension shouldn’t be a problem. Mike will send a written request to Dan asking for an extension through Dec. 31, 2012. Tony added that in the past we have been able to move the money available (i.e. grant to administrative and administrative to grant). In addition Tony suggested writing the next SNAP grant application for 18 months.
D-1. 2012 training schedule:
Mike asked Cindy Brown to describe the training opportunities she, Susie Taylor and Ashley Rooney have done this past year. Cindy explained they have shared efforts to put on 4 workshops at remote locations through out the state. They have had a total of 65 attendees, and those in attendance have been very appreciative of the efforts to come to remote locations.
Cindy explained that generally the workshops have been for a full day and have included digitization, records management, and oral histories (which also fit into digitization). Ashley is especially looking forward to an oral histories workshop this spring at Central Wyoming Community College with the Northern Arapahoe Tribal members. Other future workshops are being planned for Carbon County, Uinta County, Niobrara County and Lincoln County. They would also like to be able to assist students in the fall in preparation of History Day activities for the following spring of 2013.
Cindy expressed appreciation and thanks to the SHRAB for their support to bring these training opportunities to everyday folks through out areas in Wyoming. Venice added she had heard nothing but good things from those who have attended these ‘hands on’ trainings. Mike added that he wanted the Wyoming State Archives to be a resource and he thanked Cindy for taking time to come and share their training accomplishments and future training plans.
D-2. 2012 WY Chapter of ARMA Spring Seminar:
Mike asked Pat Newbern to speak about the upcoming WY Chapter of ARMA Spring Seminar. The seminar title is “Are You Ready For The Cloud? – Information Management Challenges”. The key note speak will be Tom Reding, a recognized authority with EMC from Orlando, Fl will speak about ‘Pervasive Information Governance in the Cloud’; He will be followed by Mike Crouch, the State of Wyoming Enterprise IT Security Coordinator. Mike’s topic is “Where’s The Silver Lining”, and Shawn Mills, President of Green House Data, will speak about “Leverage the Cloud to Minimize IT Infrastructure Over-Building”. Green House Data is a Cheyenne based green data center and is a Wyoming based ‘cloud hosting’ and collocation facility’. Pat, as Chairperson of the WY Chapter of ARMA Board, expressly thanked the SHRAB for their support in bringing this highly anticipated educational opportunity to fruition.
8. New Business
A. 2013 SNAP Grant Application
Discussion followed regarding the upcoming application for the 2013 SNAP Grant. Tony suggested to request at least $20,000.00 for Re-grants and Venice added maybe more. Mike related that with the current funding processes, and per Dan Stokes, that there may be a reduction of assistance from NHPRC, and there was a current ceiling of $35,000.00
B. Five year plan (possible updates/revisions)
Tony related adding verbiage to help clarify our processes encouraging and in support of the benefit of Wyoming citizens. Jim motioned to adopt adding the verbiage (under the objective and goal # 2 & 4): to include “for Wyoming citizens”. Kristin seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
C. Training opportunities & ideas for training:
Additional discussion followed with ideas and suggestions for a 2012 or 2013 SHRAB training opportunity including possible partnering with nearby states. 2013 would be the 10th year anniversary of the last SHRAB Conference offered in Casper at the Trail Center. Questions came up regarding copy right law, which Jim related his lawyer could address. Rick also offered the AHC has an individual that could also help with copy right law. Additional options include sharing publications WY SHRAB has assisted to create and with this being an election year, we could create something on election records.
Venice included planning a web site that can be interacting and include publications and allow the SHRAB to have successful Grant applicants post something from their grant projects.
Julie brought up difficulty Fremont County is experiencing with moving on to new technologies. She related they are still backing up with microfilm although they are having trouble finding reading printers.
Mike asked Rick about the SHRAB offering a More Product, Less Process Workshop (MPLP). Rick offered several options and related he will check to see if Mark Greene can do a MPLP workshop (possibly partner with CO State Archives). Rick suggested a small registration fee to help with commitment, and Tony added a full day session would be best. Tony moved that the SHRAB pursue a MPLP workshop in Cheyenne before June 1st. Jim seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
D. SHRAB Outreach:
Mike related State Archives will be going forward with a Genealogy Workshop in the Multipurpose Room of the Archives. First attempt at this outreach will be a dry run for October with a possible ‘workshop on the road’ during Archives Month. Mike explained the demand has been there-and by getting the word out, it should be well attended.
Additional discussion followed for a possible Workshop with John Waggener and Bill Hopkins (with AHC), similar to the one held last May in Riverton. Jim motioned for SHRAB to sponsor a May Workshop in Gillette. Venice seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Additional discussion included that there be a cost to cover lunch if necessary. Venice will contact Patty Meyers in Gillette for possible dates of May 3-4 or 10th & 11th. Venice will contact Mike and email information as soon as possible.
Venice demonstrated on the overhead screen and on-line for “Author’s WIKI” as a possible suggestion for additional outreach. Venice added posting on Author’s WIKI would be easy for any one that receives a grant and SHRAB could also post. This site allows edit or lock through the Log-In & Password process. Venice offered to set up a WIKI page. Other comment included the option for a WY SHRAB Face Book presence. It was agreed that there needs to be guidelines followed for privacy and to prevent identity theft yet provide appropriate transparency.
Additional discussion followed regarding a spreadsheet for all of the SHRAB’s grant recipients through this year. Pat will work with Tony and Mike to begin to get the information together from the beginning of WY SHRAB.
Mike will Email the board with an update for the workshop in Gillette (with John Waggener, AHC), in May as well as the date and location of the next meeting and an update for a MPLP Workshop in Cheyenne.
There being no further business, Tony motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Venice. Motion was passed unanimously.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Newbern
Note: These minutes were approved as submitted at the 5-18-2012 meeting, Cheyenne, WY
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