Thursday – November 17, 2011
Conference Call – 3rd Floor/Barrett Building, Cheyenne, WY
Approved Minutes
Note: These minutes are abridged
1. Mike Strom called the meeting to order at 11:06 a.m.
2. Roll Call
Members in attendance:
Mike Strom-SHRAB Chair & State Historical Records Coordinator, Cheyenne, WY
Tony Adams – C.R.M., Cheyenne, WY
Jim Angell, Wyoming Press Association, Cheyenne, WY (via Conference phone)
Venice Beske – Statewide Information, Wyoming State Library, Cheyenne (via Conference phone)
Courtney Bohlender – City of Riverton (via Conference phone)
Rick Ewig – American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (via Conference phone)
Kristin Karr - Librarian, Wyoming Supreme Court, Cheyenne, WY)
Lokey Lytjen – Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum, Jackson Hole, WY (via Conference phone)
Scarlet Skorcz – Western Wyoming Community College, Rock Springs, WY (via Conference phone)
Members absent:
Laurie Bartell, Veterans Administration, Sheridan, WY
Representative Rosie Berger, Wyoming Legislature, Big Horn, WY
Julie Freese – Fremont County Clerk, Lander, WY
Sara Needles – Administrator-Cultural Resources-WY State Parks & Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
Mike Strom, Wyoming State Archivist and newly appointed WY SHRAB Chair and Coordinator welcomed everyone and introduced himself. Mike briefly shared some information about his previous post with Texas Christian University and his new position as the Wyoming State Archivist, and he thanked everyone for attending.
3. Approval of previous minutes
Venice motioned to approve the January 19, 2011 minutes as amended. Seconded by Rick Ewig. Motion passed unanimously.
Tony motioned to approve the February 10, 2011 minutes as amended. Seconded by Scarlet Skorcz. Motion passed unanimously.
Tony Scarlet Skorcz motioned to approve the May 5, 2011 minutes as amended. Seconded by Venice Beske. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Greetings and program updates
Mike gave a brief over view of the current Grant Period.
5. Grant Committee Report
Venice gave a report of the Grants Committee and an update for the current and past Re-Grant Periods. Discussion followed regarding publicity for the upcoming period and dates, as there hasn’t been any advertising out, or applications received. It was agreed the next Grant Period will be Feb. 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012, with Re-Grant applications to be due by January 15, 2012. Lokey asked about the wet signature and Sara Needles explained the Attorney General’s office required a signature on the application. Venice, Grant’s Committee Chair will follow up with Mike Strom to review publicity/advertising for the upcoming Grand Period and to review our Web page for respective updates as needed.
6. Budget Report
Mike asked if everyone had a chance to review the funding spreadsheet. Following discussion,
Mike clarified this current SNAP Grant is for $35,000.00.
A total of $7,522.35 was approved for Re-Grants from the 1st Re-Grant Period.
A total of $2,437.26 was approved for disbursement from the Administrative fund, with $12,477.65 available for the 2nd Re-Grant Period and $12,562.74 for the 2nd Period Administrative fund.
Mike described the $120.00 expense for the room for the October Archives Day Workshop at Laramie County Community College. Tony motioned to approve the expense and payment of $120.00 for the LCCC conference room. Seconded by Venice Beske. Motion passed unanimously. Lokey asked for a PNL format or spreadsheet for the last SNAP Grant that was completed June 30, 2011. Mike related this would be forward by E-mail to all board members.
7. Old Business
Lokey asked if there might be a possibility of including Rick Ewig’s suggested “More Product with Less Processing”, and possibly more on conservation and preservation. Mike Strom added there could be more training opportunities done around the state by Cindy Brown and Ashley Rooney from SPCR. Additional education/training opportunities could be located at Community Colleges around the state. Rick Ewig related there are many education/training options available through staff with the American Heritage Center, with something possibly planned at the Western Wyoming Community College in May. Rick will communicate more with the board via E-mail and by the next meeting. Lokey asked if the board could actively invest in programs and begin the processes as soon as possible. Pat Newbern reported the 2010-2011 Grant Final Report was completed and submitted to Dan Stokes with the NHPRC, on time by September 30, 2011, that the report was approved, and the reimbursement funds were received approximately three weeks later.
8. New Business
Following discussion for education/training opportunities presented to the board, Tony Adams motioned to approve up to $1,000.00 for Wyoming State Archives and SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) for travel and to promote education/training opportunities (with Cindy Brown and Ashley Rooney) around the state. Seconded by Jim Angell. Motion passed unanimously.
Tony Adams motioned to approve up to $1,500.00 for WY Chapter of ARMA to assist with the 2012 Spring Seminar. Seconded by Lokey Lytjen. Motion passed unanimously.
Lokey asked about better marketing for SHRAB. Sara explained this is a shared issue with other divisions in SPCR because there is only one individual/position for the Web. Sara explained how the Arts Council has hired a company to assist with their efforts to upgrade their Web page and still follow required state format. Lokey asked if if would be possible to have all education/training opportunities available on our Web page and if something could be done to make the SHRAB information more visible. Following discussion for the 5 year plan, Tony gave Mike a copy of the updated plan. Tony, Mike and Sara will review the By-Laws for additional followup.
Sara Needles spoke about the upcoming events in February, 2012 and asked for support and for the SHRAB to attend. On Thursday, February 23, 2012, there will be a reception at the State Museum which will be featuring a ‘coffee exhibit’ and ‘chocolate for all in attendance’. Following that evening will be a catered “Combined Joint Dinner” at the Hynds Building in downtown Cheyenne. Friday evening the 24th will be the Governor’s Art Award dinner. Discussion followed regarding difficulty with Cheyenne area SHRAB members’ reimbursement for the dinner costs, but that those traveling into Cheyenne would be reimbursed as travel expense. Sara explained it is possible for those board members who are from Cheyenne area for dinner costs to be paid as a stipend with flat rate VS travel.
Sara gave a report about the “Convergence” held in Cody last October. Responses exceeded their expectations and there is significant interest in ‘Regional Convergences’ for the next year. Sara expressed that she would like to see a SHRAB education/training opportunity at one of the Convergences next year. It would be a great opportunity with tourism, economic promotion, and education at centralized locations. Lokey added she felt it was a terrific and beneficial opportunity with heritage, cultural and arts organizations advocacy. Pat Newbern gave a report about the very successful and well attended Archives Day Workshop held in Cheyenne in October and thanked the SHRAB for their partnership and support.
The next meeting has been set for Friday morning-February 24,2012 at the Wyoming State Library in Cheyenne, WY, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Mike will forward the agenda to Board members via E-Mail prior to the meeting.
There being no further business, Tony motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Lokey. Motion was passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 12:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Newbern
Minutes approved at the 2-24-2012 meeting, Cheyenne, WY
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