Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tele-conference Meeting from the Barrett Building, Cheyenne, WY
“Approved Minutes”
Members in attendance:
Rich Wilson-SHRAB Chair & State Historical Records Coordinator, Cheyenne, WY
Tony Adams – CRM, Cheyenne, WY
Venice Beske – Statewide Information, Wyoming State Library, Cheyenne, WY (via Conference phone)
Courtney Bohlender – City of Riverton, WY
Rick Ewig – American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (via Conference phone)
Lokey Lytjen – Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum, Jackson Hole, WY (via Conference phone)
Scarlet Skorcz – Western Wyoming Community College, Rock Springs, WY (via Conference phone)
Members absent:
Jim Angell, Wyoming Press Association, Cheyenne, WY
Laurie Bartell, Veterans Administration, Sheridan, WY
Representative Rosie Berger, Wyoming Legislature, Big Horn, WY
Julie Freese – Fremont County Clerk, Lander, WY
Joann Odendahl – Court Administrator, Wyoming Supreme Court, Cheyenne, WY
Milward Simpson, Director, State Parks and Cultural Resources
Meeting Agenda:
Rich Wilson, SHRAB Chair & State Historical Records Coordinator, opened the meeting at 11:03 a.m. The meeting was a hosted tele-conference from the 3rd floor conference room of the Barrett Building in Cheyenne, WY. Members called in and identified themselves as they came on line.
Rich asked if everyone in attendance had an opportunity to read and review the Minutes of the
December 15, 2010 meeting. All were in agreement following amendments. Tony Adams moved to approve the minutes as amended for the December 15, 2010 meeting. Seconded by Venice Beske. Motion was passed unanimously.
Rich began discussion with grant requests. Lokey related there were 4 grant requests for this cycle. Rich clarified the next cycle begins the 1st of July, 2011. If we receive verification of a current request prior, it will be from this year’s budget. Rich will send notices to outstanding grant recipients to remind them to send all expense receipts by June 30th. Lokey suggested Rich move the date up to May 30th. Tony added there is one grant that is currently outstanding and can not be paid. Lokey related she contacted Murie Center multiple times and to date has not received any information or the WOLFS Form 109b.
In reference to the budget, 2010 administrative expenses included printing and expenses for training accomplished last year by Cindy Brown and Ashley Rooney as well as name tags for WY SHRAB members. Tony explained most anything except regrants comes from the administrative budget. Lokey asked for an estimate of outstanding grants amounts. Tony explained there were less than $7,000.00 in outstanding grants. Rich added he will send notices to organizations that they must follow through with receipts by May 30, 2011.
Lokey asked if she could receive fiscal information to be in the format of a ‘profit and loss’ statement, with hard expenditures and with outstanding with grants, regrants, and administration monies separated. Rich related he would check further with Lokey to accomplish this.
Rich then introduced Milward Simpson, Director of State Parks and Cultural Resources. Milward thanked WY SHRAB for their assistance and especially their cooperation and windfall of notice and information with the current 2011 State Legislature. Lokey asked Mr. Simpson if Roger’s position had been posted and Mr. Simpson explained the position has been posted and some applications have been received. Mr. Simpson closed with his invitation to everyone to attend the Feb. 10th Meet and Greet dinner and the Governor’s Art Awards Dinner on Feb. 11th (to be held at Little America).
Tony then asked Rick Ewig about training ideas. Rick explained most of what has been most requested is how to take care of photographs. Other suggestions included more product-less project. Rick related he could discuss this with the faculty and possibly schedule some training dates. Lokey asked if we could get out the information, and Rick will contact Beverly Perkins. Tony asked if they would be willing to also do the registration as well. Rich explained WY SHRAB would assist to pay travel/lodging and printing. Discussion followed regarding the difficulty getting away to attend and to teach. Rick will bring more info to the February 11th meeting. Lokey asked if a workshop could be done in advance of the CWAM and MPMA annual conferences. Rich explained CWAM is an acronym for Colorado Wyoming Association of Museums and MPMA is the Mountain-Plains Museums Association. Courtney added WAM is usually the 2nd or 3rd week in June. Rich will check further as to dates, locations and ways to better market SHRAB grants. Rich will also check with Cindy Brown and Ashley Rooney, to see if they have plans for training this spring or summer (providing schedules allow). Lokey suggested starting in February and trying to include any other options to do training, and especially preserving AV media. Venice related they will be having a Library meeting coming up in September which would work for next year’s budget-funds.
Lokey asked if a list of training and options could be put together that SHRAB could offer to help, and Rich explained he would be able to put something together as soon as his current schedule with legislative processes becomes lighter.
Rich described his schedule and summarized where we were with the current Legislative processes and asked the Board if there was anything additional to place on the Agenda for the February 11th meeting.
Lokey asked if Rich could check with Rick regarding information for training and let everyone know, to which Rich related he would do so. Courtney asked how many were on the board members on the grants committee, and Lokey answered there were 5, which made it easy to break any ties.
Question was asked regarding payment for dinner at the Governor’s Arts Award on the evening of February 11th in Cheyenne. Rich will verify with NHPRC that administrative funds may be used for this event and E-mail everyone with the determination. Rich reminded the board that travel will be reimbursed to attend the Meet & Greet dinner on the 10th. However, If board members are from the immediate area, there would be no expenses to reimburse. Scarlet moved to use administrative funds to pay for Board members to attend Governor’s Arts Awards. Seconded by Tony. Motion passed unanimously.
Lokey moved to adjourn. Seconded by Scarlet. Motion was passed unanimously.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 p.m.
Notice of next meeting date & time information will be sent via E-mail.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Newbern
Important Post Meeting information:
WY SHRAB members are invited to attend the “Meet and Greet” Function for Wyoming State Boards and Committees, to be held February 10th, at Studio 1910 (remodeled Cheyenne ‘Frontier Hotel’ located at 19th and Central Ave.) in Cheyenne, WY. Please contact Rich for information.
A WY SHRAB meeting has been scheduled for February 11, 2011, at 8:30 a.m., at the Wyoming State Library, Cheyenne, WY. Board members may want to attend The Governor’s Arts Awards Dinner and Celebration which will be held that same Friday evening (February 11, 2011), in Cheyenne. Please contact Rich for information.
Once confirmed, Rich will E-mail the board with the date, time, and meeting location for a spring board meeting in Sheridan, WY.
These minutes were approved at the 5-5-2011 meeting.
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