Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tele-conference Meeting from the Barrett Building, Cheyenne, WY
“Approved Minutes”
Members in attendance:
Rich Wilson-SHRAB Chair & State Historical Records Coordinator, Cheyenne, WY
Roger Joyce-Wyoming State Archivist, Wyoming State Archives, Cheyenne, WY
Representative Rosie Berger, Wyoming Legislature, Big Horn, WY
Tony Adams – CRM, Cheyenne, WY
Venice Beske – Statewide Information, Wyoming State Library, Cheyenne, WY (via Conference phone)
Lokey Lytjen – Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum, Jackson Hole, WY (via Conference phone)
Courtney Bohlender – City of Riverton, WY (via Conference phone)
Members absent:
Jim Angell, Wyoming Press Association, Cheyenne, WY
Laurie Bartell, Veterans Administration, Sheridan, WY
Rick Ewig – American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Julie Freese – Fremont County Clerk, Lander, WY
Joann Odendahl – Court Administrator, Wyoming Supreme Court, Cheyenne, WY
Scarlet Skorcz – Western Wyoming Community College, Rock Springs, WY
No guests
1. Rich Wilson, SHRAB Chair & State Historical Records Coordinator, opened the meeting at 1:36 p.m.
The meeting was a hosted tele-conference from the 3rd floor conference room of the Barrett
Building in Cheyenne, WY. Members calling in identified themselves as they came on line.
2. Rich asked if everyone in attendance had an opportunity to read and review the Minutes of the
February 12, 2010 meeting. All were in agreement. Representative Rosie Berger motioned to approve the
minutes of the February 12, 2010 meeting. Seconded by Venice Beske. Motion was passed unanimously.
3. First item for discussion was the SNAP Grant from NHPRC. The purpose of the SNAP Grant is for
WY SHRAB administration, grant requests and assistance. Rich explained that because funds for a
Circuit Rider were not used, all but the amount spent for a lap top computer and projector were returned to
NHPRC. There is approximately $24,000.00 remaining to be administered before July of 2011. Rich will
E-mail the exact fiscal amount. Question was asked if any of these remaining funds will need to be
returned and Rich said, “no”. Tony Adams related we are currently working on approximately $15 to $16
thousand for Jan. 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 for ‘Regrant funds’. Approximately $6,000.00 has been
awarded in grants and Rich has asked for an accounting report (state WOLFS), however the system was
down when requested. Lokey Lytjen commented that our goal should be to try to extend our grant cycle
with thoughts and plans to have funds available for the following year. Rosie commented it would be good
to have a game plan so we do not have to turn funds back to National.
Tony explained approximately $13,000.00 is approved for administration, not for training. He added we do
need to clarify time and availability to meet criteria, that beginning July 1, 2011, new grants can be written
for a 1 to 2 year period, with $2,000.00 for re-granting and to support training activities. Venice related she
would like to see to amount up to the $2,000.00 and Rosie added it would be good for criteria to be
set for 1 year with a secondary request with justification.
In trying to keep costs in control, Rich related he would be able to use a large E-mail list for advertising of
grants and available grant options. E-mail could be a more appropriate and economical means of
disseminating information for WY SHRAB grants and activities. Tony further explained some funds have
been shown to be needed for more than grant fund requests.
Lokey asked if there was a need to increase the grant funds and Courtney Bohlender asked if there was a
limit to applying for the grants. Following discussion, it was related the last time the re-grant committee
met, it was agreed those who re-applied and received funding, were to fall to the bottom with new entities
having a higher priority. It was noted these guidelines need to be updated on the Website. Additional
discussion followed regarding possible targeting 3 training programs we could pull from these funds and if
that might be an opportunity to partner on training.
4. Tony motioned to submit a grant to National for July1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, for administration and
programs (to include workshops sponsored by the WY SHRAB), in the amount of $16,000.00 (and
$20,000.00 for two cycles of 5 grants of up to $2,000.00 each. Seconded by Courtney. Motion passed
5. Rich gave a short report on the Disaster Recovery Workshops and training accomplished with Janie Wait
in five separate locations around the state.
6. Roger Joyce explained Archives has again experienced budget cuts. Issues occurred this year
causing shortages of available employee work time. Roger then discussed possible options for the
7. Discussion followed regarding costs of our board meetings. It was noted our “in person” meetings have
cost approximately $2,000.00 and tele-conference meetings averaged approximately $200.00. Rosie
related she would like to host a meeting in Sheridan. It was agreed it is important to move our meetings
around the state to be more equal to those board members not located in the Cheyenne area.
8. Rich motioned $1,000.00 be granted for expenses for the Oct. 27th Archives Day Workshop that will be
co-sponsored with the Wyoming State Archives and Wyoming Chapter of ARMA. Seconded by Rosie.
Motion passed unanimously.
Tony related if WY SHRAB members would like to attend this Workshop in October, it would be a great
opportunity to work in a dinner SHRAB meeting the night of Oct. 27th after the Workshop. Rosie added the
timing would be great as we should have all data and information for review at that time.
Tony motioned to provide travel expenses for WY SHRAB board members to attend the workshop and a
meeting the evening of Oct. 27, 2010 to include up to 3 days of travel. Seconded by Courtney. Motion
passed unanimously.
9. Rich then reported on the Archives and Records Management with an update following meetings with
the Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee (TRWCR). The TRWCR is looking at 2
phases. The first phase is to enlarge the area at the Records Center because the Records Center is simply
out of room. This will include $150,000.00 (about $100,000.00 for shelving with remaining to enlarge the
current space, and funds for additional temporary help for better management, and to appropriately
separate the State Archives from the Records Center holding inactive records).
The second phase is a business and process analysis to determine how we could be an electronic/digital
storage facility for the state. Rich explained it is time to provide the same services for digital records as we
do for hard copy records, and we want and need to be able to do this.
Roger added we are not only looking for expansion of facilities, we are also looking for a bill to be
introduced to address electronic or digital records. He explained the current statutes do not define
state electronic or digital records and this needs to be more specific. Roger continued to explain the
TRWCR is also interesting in providing a building that can and will include the museum, archives, and
records management together in a facility with respective and appropriate requirements.
It is anticipated there will be four bills introduced. One to cover new shelving for the Records Center. One
for an analysis plan for an electronic storage facility. One to update appropriate verbiage of the definition
of a State Record to include electronic or digital format. And one to request funding and process for a new
Building/facility to house the Museum collections, State Archives, and Records Center. If the latter heads
into the direction we hope it will, we would look at a new facility. Rich added the current additions for area
and shelving should move us to 5 to 7 years to be able to continue with hard copy and projecting forward
for digital storage. We do not have additional funding. Roger complimented the Archives and Records
Management staff during the medical absence of our Record Center Tech, and explained everyone went
above and beyond with efforts, time and work during this period of the staff shortage.
Discussion followed regarding pick up trips accomplished through out the state and microfilming. Rich
explained there are still budget restraints that are not allowing us to do the 3 pick up trips as previously
done. In addition we are now placing boxes on pallets because we are out of shelf space. Regarding
microfilming Roger explained we are still microfilming, however due to the shortage of vendors and
microfilming supplies and equipment we continue to look at options of outsourcing microfilming.
Rosie expressed her encouragement that the legislative body will be experiencing changes and that the
TRWCR is behind us on four pieces of legislation. In addition, Rosie related there are some exceptional
Opportunities to help educate and create a better connection with new Legislators so they can understand
how fragile a situation the Archives and Records Management is. Rosie feels it will be important to get
them involved and encouraged the board to contact and request participation in these efforts from all of our
support organizations.
10. Rich has received name badges for the SHRAB board members and will get them sent to everyone. Tony
asked Roger if it would be possible to get CD copies of the Blue Book to each of the Board members and
Roger agreed. Tony related he was the replacement for Patty Meyers on the Re-Grant Committee. Patty
has a suggestion her replacement on the board, and Rich will get with Patty to fill her board position prior to
our next meeting.
Next meeting information will be sent via E-mail. The location will be in Cheyenne, WY, October 27, 2010.
Rosie motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Courtney. Meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Newbern
Minutes approved at the 12-15-2010 meeting
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